Monday, 23 February 2009

true love exits after all?

met up with Tarek finally.... lovely in person.. had a bit of chit-chatting...

he surprised me when we left the bar and he got back the bottle of champagne he bought from the bouncer, which he prepared for tomorrow night. A dinner invitation for #2 at his place...
was really shocked to find out that he is so in love ...

then while on the way walking to the tube station, he asked me how to prepare a good steak.... and oh! found out that he is going to make a 3 course meal... awww.. how sweet is that...!! that really melt my heart...

seconds later.. DANG!!! why have I never come across someone like him? someone that will make me a 3 course meal? not even a 3 course... just a meal!! would be nice? awww... how sweet... but guess that's what only the bottoms do...

does true love really exit after alll...? or is it just a dream, a hope for the bottoms...?

well.. at least after all, it is nice to see people with hopes, the very same hope that I have do exit after all...

does true love really exit? in our world...?

well... I have my faith and keep to my belief...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YES IT DOES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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